Waste Disposal of Litter Pan Contents

If your home is on public sewer use flushable litter. To dispose of your cat’s urine and feces during its first 2 weeks post-treatment, scoop the soiled litter daily and flush it down the toilet. This is the approved method of the State of Nuclear Regulatory Commissions. If you refuse to follow this method or, your home has a private septic system, you must take these steps:

  1. For the first 14 days after your cat returns home from receiving I-131 therapy, put on your gloves, use your litter scoop to drop all soiled litter into a Ziploc (or similar) bag. Zip it shut. Place this bag in the second Ziploc (or similar) bag and zip it shut.
  2. Place the double-bagged litter, feces, and urine in a large Tupperware (or similar) type container, lined with a trash bag, and close it with a tightly locking lid.
  3. Follow this process for 14 days, placing all double-bagged litter, feces, and urine in the Tupperware (or similar) container, and lock the lid after each addition to the container.
  4. Mark on your calendar 94 days after the date of discharge from our facility for the stored litter to be discarded.
  5. During the time you store the container, place it outside where it cannot be reached by small children, pets, wild animals, etc, or in a basement or garage. Do not place it in occupied areas.
  6. At the end of the second week, put on your gloves and, in one step, pick up the edges of the litter liner containing any remaining litter, tie them together and place it with the litter you have collected over the previous two weeks. Dispose of your gloves, and wash or dispose of your litter scoop in the outside trash. If you have been unable to successfully use a litter pan liner, dispose of your litter pan as well. You may now return to your normal litter disposal routine.
  7. 94 days after discharge from our facility, open the container, pick up the trash bag lining it, and place the bag in your outside trash. Do not bury the litter or use it in the garden. You may dispose of the container separately.