10 Warning Signs of Possible Cancer in your Pet

Seek veterinary care if you note any of the following symptoms with your pet

  1. Unusual odor: While “dog breath” is common, if you notice unusually foul odors coming from the mouth, nose, or rectal area.
  2. Bumps and lumps on or under the skin: Get into the habit of checking your pet’s skin monthly. Don’t forget to check behind ears and around the face. Any new lumps or bumps should not be ignored, even if they are small. These should b assessed during a veterinary medical exam. Be cautious with the “wait and see” approach.
  3. Weight loss: Unless you’ve put your pet on a diet, their weight should remain consistent. Sudden weight loss is a cause for concern.
  4. Appetite changes: If your pet has lost interest in meal times or is having difficulty eating or swallowing.
  5. Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina: There is a difference between a lazy dog and a lethargic one. You know your pet’s personality fairy well. If he doesn’t seem himself and is spending more time sleeping or unable to play or walk long distances, it could be a cause for concern.
  6. Difficulty breathing, urinating or defecating: If you notice coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath after very little exercise. If your pet is asking to “go out” and is posturing as if they are having a bowel movement or trying to urinate but nothing is coming out.
  7. Behavior change: Has your pet been snapping more than usual? Are they spending more time away from you? They could be in pain. Also pay attention to how they are walking, eating and playing. IF you notice any limping or struggling—it’s time to see a veterinarian.
  8. Open sores or bleeding on your pet’s skin or from any orifice: If your pet has an open sore or wound that isn’t healing properly, it could be because of a larger medical issue. If you notice any bloody discharge from your pet’s mouth, ears, nose, anal area, or urination area.
  9. Vomiting and diarrhea: If you notice that your pet is vomiting frequently, and/or has diarrhea that is lasting longer than 24 hours, especially if it’s accompanied by any other of the symptoms on this page.
  10. Pale gums: Know what a healthy pet mouth looks like. If your pet appears to have pale pink or white gums it is a concern.